I’m beginning to think the words “regime change” S/B changed to “culture change” because that’s usually the objective and the result. It looks like half the Middle East culture got “westernized”. Cars, driving, TVs, maybe even sex drugs and alcohol etc.
But the other half of the “culture” is still “original” like a thousand years ago, extremely conservative and resistant to change. On account of the half and half situation, too many of the modernized (culture changed) ones, they flee to Europe as illegal immigrants.
Eventually over time, if the hold outs ever give up and “modernize”, then maybe the illegals in Europe will move back and stay there.
When the Europeons first came to America you could say the native Americans had a regime change, leading to a Europeon type culture change. The Global powers like “uniformity” ya know.
One world country, one world gov’t, one world bank, one uniform western culture, and eventually only one sex. A mixture of men and woman referred to as persons. You know, the mail person, the police person, the sales person etc.
All those trends that started with the dawn of globalization, may be in a long term reversal trend, when you see populism popping up here and there. I never thought it was a good idea to mix or integrate everything and everybody together.
The John and Yoko song “Imagine” called it all, way back in 1969 I think. Remember?
Parts of song below.
Imagine there’s no countries. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too. Imagine all the people sharing all the world, You may say I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one. I hope some day you’ll (Arabs and Muslims etc) join us And the world will be as one.