Posted by Maya
@ 3:58 on May 31, 2018
The view from Pahoa village
There is a constant stream of evacuees coming from Beach road, including a convoy of heavy equipment, dozers and end loaders coming out of Kapoho before it is isolated in a few hours from now. USGS reports the volcano is erupting 400,000 cubic yards per day of outflow. The current eruptive vents are some 3,500 feet lower in elevation than where the previous lava lake reservoir was at the summit. This area of the rift is swollen and under magma pressure. The volcano has a LOT of lava to dump. This could continue for a long, long time.
Posted by Maddog
@ 3:47 on May 31, 2018
They are pushing out the meme that Italy is fixed, ergo SM, Rates up, Dollar down and allowing Gold a small rally !!!!!!
Posted by Maya
@ 0:04 on May 31, 2018
Posted by treefrog
@ 23:58 on May 30, 2018
Posted by goldielocks
@ 23:22 on May 30, 2018
Thanks for all that information about them. They looked pretty nice and knew to get close enough but not too close. It was a awesome sight.
Posted by Maya
@ 23:03 on May 30, 2018
I’ve been looking all day for information on the advance of the Fissure 8 lava flow that kept me up half the night last night. YIKES!
This image is looking SW upslope. The ‘river’ is 100 ft. wide. If it had gone to the right side of the image, it would be coming toward me. Fortunately it is following the flow map ‘steepest descent’ path and is now about a mile from Beach Road and has slowed a little bit. But residents are scrambling to get out of Kapoho before the escape route is cut.
The current flow map is here as of 6am when this image was taken. Image courtesy of USGS.
Posted by Mr.Copper
@ 22:35 on May 30, 2018
definition of racist:
A person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.
Above Modified:
Definition of patriot:
A person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against other countries, or who believes that a particular country is superior to another.
Showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against other countries, or believing that a particular country is superior to another.
During WW II Americans hated Germany and Japan and loved America. These days Americans hate Iran and North Korea. What can we name this? Instead of racism. Countryism? Maybe that will be the new word in 50-100 years.
Lets face it. We were taught over time that we can not hate or discriminate against other races, genders, immigrants etc. As time goes on the masses may be taught that they can’t discriminate (sanctions war etc) against other countries.
Another thing. Nobody is born racist or prejudice. They acquire it naturally with negative life experiences over time. For example. The many immigrants or blacks, have to suffer for the illegal abhorrent acts of the few. Same as car insurance. A few bad young drivers, makes all young drivers pay more for insurance.
Posted by Maya
@ 20:45 on May 30, 2018
The company is ‘Lava Boat Tours’ and they have been operating for several years. Two big aluminum catamaran type boats with a pair of big 120hp Mercury motors, broad decks and lots of seating. They got permits to enter the restricted area near the lava entry. Regular boaters are prohibited.
They operated out of Pohoiki boat launch to take tours out west of Kalapana where the OLD lava flow used to enter the ocean. That flow dried up last year with no ocean entry, so the boat company has been dormant for months. Now that feed crater has collapsed entirely and they are recutting the road across the old flow. Pohoiki boat ramp is closed now, near the current flow.
So the Lava Boat tours are operating out of Hilo harbor and taking a 30-40 mile trip south around the Cape to get to the current ocean entry. They are fully permitted and quite good. USGS scientists sometime go along to document the flow status also.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 19:50 on May 30, 2018
Posted by ipso facto
@ 16:48 on May 30, 2018
Posted by Buygold
@ 16:13 on May 30, 2018
PM’s never fail to underperform.
Posted by goldielocks
@ 15:34 on May 30, 2018
I saw a video at least some boaters are earning money taking people out to watch the lava flow into the ocean. It looks like a red waterfall, pretty awesome. Never let a crisis go to waist.
Posted by Maya
@ 15:10 on May 30, 2018
Last night we got emergency alert about a fast-moving lava flow from Fissure 8. It was concerning enough as it headed NE along the ridge and had the potential to reach out to my subdivision. Close watch showed it was headed more easterly and would likely miss my area. But the real fun began this morning as Civil Defense asked for voluntary evacuations from the Kapoho/Vacationland areas due to concern that the evacuation route along Beach Road could be cut soon by the fast lava river. The area is already without power, and overnight the lava was advancing at a rapid 600 yards per hour. If Beach road is cut, the eastern end of lower Puna will be isolated, with only air or sea evacuations possible.
The latest map is here:
But is only updated daily. The map has what look like blue ‘streambeds’ in the terrain that are actually channels of steepest descent… paths where the lava would USUALLY flow. The current flow has gone from where last nights arrrows are… to along Hwy 132 on the North side and is following the flow line NE to where the large crater and the label ‘Kapoho’ is. The road intersection there at four corners is the last escape route from the area and it could be cut today as the lava advances easterly.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 14:46 on May 30, 2018
Posted by goldielocks
@ 14:44 on May 30, 2018
Posted by goldielocks
@ 14:35 on May 30, 2018
Posted by goldielocks
@ 14:17 on May 30, 2018
We know it’s not your fault just like we didn’t vote for Obama and many of those who did regretted it. However problem is the alternative can be just as bad anymore.
Posted by Maddog
@ 13:55 on May 30, 2018
Pub singer arrested for racism after Chinese passers-by hear him perform Kung Fu Fighting
Read more:
I hang my head in shame…..Mays government are the worst shower ever….
Posted by Maddog
@ 12:33 on May 30, 2018
Posted by Richard640
@ 11:54 on May 30, 2018
Posted by Alex Valdor
@ 11:42 on May 30, 2018
…than the official version at the time :
and ISIS has claimed credit ? That is doubtful as far as I am concerned , but if true , there should be immigration vetting tightening .
Posted by goldielocks
@ 11:20 on May 30, 2018
I can see only one non violent way to fight back where Londonstan can’t beat them. After all they say it’s a religious war so be it. People need to start going back to Church. Teach their children the Bible and warn them about false profits and idols. They need to have Christian seminars barbecues and open prayer in the streets and parks. Do all the Muslims do but do it better. Jews should do the same. Send pamphlets warning children of unchristian shows they should not watch and places that would offend God or Jesus. You know who else won’t like it, movie stars. Sinners lol ?
Posted by ipso facto
@ 11:11 on May 30, 2018
Let’s hope we never hear about New Yorkistan!
In that article I posted there’s a good quote from Solzhenitsyn. Never give up your guns!
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Posted by ipso facto
@ 10:55 on May 30, 2018
Posted by Maddog
@ 10:52 on May 30, 2018
The MSM is just another part of the Rig.