When you have a average pay under this 26 hr even if skilled job but make too much for any gov benefits or discounts and you get hit with a 1000 dollar bill for medical insurance for the family and still have deductibles on top of rents going up on top of food and gas up they’d lose money working. The bills would be higher than the pay.
This medical alone holding people back when they have kids worried about making too much to get help for their kids with medical insurance and rising housing costs.
Maybe some of these parents are dropping out with only one working so as a family they don’t make too much because if they do they’ll be worse off.
I wonder if their counting those dropping drawing SS too.
More and more going off the grid too then there stuck out their with the drug epidemic and mentally ill. They got priced out. Read a story about a working mother sleeping in her car with her child at rest stops. You can join a gym and take showers there.
That’s another cost, child care. Taxes, child care cost, probably take a third to half their checks right there, medical, housing, food, gas, utilities, phone, car insurance, house hold needs, God forbid if they want wifi or cable or take their kids to Disney or have a vacation, plus school needs and kids have their own needs. Meanwhile criminal brain dead politicians keep taxing and opening borders taxing for them too.
That reminds me I wonder what ever happened to Dusty and the Dusty trails.
Is he still in his camper traveling or did he settle down. I worried about him Traveling and camping alone with banditos out there.