In my view, the whole planet, every country, including the USA is socialist. Globalization is global socialism. Like a car that has rust starting here and there, the entire global “commune-ity system is failing in various areas of the world.
The USA, USED to be the only capitalist country on a socialized planet, but it gradually got “absorbed” into the rest, to prolong the welfare economies of the rest. Think about why TPTB want to absorb N. Korea.
It will gradually evolve into a survival of the fittest, an every country for themselves situation. The ONLY people enjoying capitalism, (unfettered business activity) are the global corporations, with no border lines, out for themselves.
In fact its THEM that are causing all the economic problems in various locations. Anybody that has in made over THERE, and sells it over HERE, is getting away with something that’s not right. Avoiding US labor and US taxes.