Low IQ thug Maxine is calling for people to ban Trump supporters like the two Restaurants. That doesn’t surprise me. They as well as other businesses probably fund these politicians or how else would Maxine still be in office. They need a steady stream of illegals to fill positions in their restaurants. Meanwhile Americans are taxed to subsidize them with welfare and free medical for their American born children so they can save a buck. That restaurant check is getting more expensive.
Someone told me last night she knows someone in construction who said they hired them and in busy season they can make 3000 a week while their marriages don’t have to be recognized so they get welfare, housing, food stamps, free medical. So they can be making over 10000 a month and still be getting welfare while citizens are struggling.
This is why some Repubs in some districts won’t vote to reform illegal immigration because of their donors. Restaurant chains, hotels, motels, housing…
Why else would some of these corrupts and or dumb as a brick politicians still be in office.
Commish 17:15
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