was asked to go to Haiti some years ago to see what he could recommend since he was French and haitians speak French and his expertise was the SEA and how it provides when not abused.His conclusions were “give me 50 years to grow back the trees that the Haitians cut down and I can help you.They cut all the trees bordering the shorelines for firewood to make charcoal for cooking without replanting any.As a consequence the top soil along the coast washed out to sea and the muddy waters drove the fish away ,then the small boats they fished from coldent go that far out and they had no food .They started out with no fuel to cook their food and ended up with no food.Stupid is is as Stupid does..Cousteau threw up his hands in disgust and left. I was Scuba diving at the time and kept up with what Cousteau was doing as a member of the Cousteau Society ……He was a scientist dealing with the worlds stupidist people and stupid is forever .They still believe in voodo as a religion and will resort to cannibalism eventually and therein lies the solution to get population back in line to what the island will support .Stay away ! its hopeless……average IQ is 60 …
Contrast this with Japan another Island that preserves its top soil ,jealously and an average IQ among the worlds highest. ….Stupid is Forever….