Never dive with a head COLD……As far a sinus problems I had some as a teanager living in NJ in the wintertime..
As I got older I discovered that a sinus rinse worked wonders for me ..A company named AYR produces a small kit composed of a plastic squeeze bottle and packets of SALT with Sodium Bicarb worked wonders for me .
I havent had a Sinus infection or head cold or allergy even with the huge pollen around in the Springtime in Virginia .
Simply open one salt & bicarb packet empty it into the squeeze bottle ,add 6oz of distilled water ..In the shower or over the sink give a good squeeze into one nostrel so that the water runs out of the other nostrel,then repeat with the other nostrel…when done snort out the excess water simply by exhaling through the nose …Thats it ! dont worry the water is not going into your brain haha… brave ! I do this every day or every other day and have not had a stuffy nose or head cold or any pollin problems for years ….I wish this was available when I was a teen…..It really works !You dont need to use the full 6oz at one time I just give one squirt each side in the shower and finish the rest the next day …I wouldent store it for any length of time lest it get contaminated ..If you dont shower every day as I do then just make a new batch for each use …Use only one packet and be sure to use DISTILLED water or boiled water (after it cools.) no tap water or bottled water will do….NOT a single Sinus problem since …really !