Today I attended a double funeral in my extended ‘Ohana’ family here. 63 year old son died of cancer, and a week later his alzheimer’s mother died at 83, so the surviving daughter planned their funerals and burial together in the family plot.
Losing friends that are too young… Decades ago I lost a friend, electronics store owner, sharp mind, athletic, marathon runner… dropped dead of a massive heart attack at age 42. You never know. There is longevity in my family, but my aunt was disgusted with growing old after all her friends were gone. She had one older friend who made it to age 105, but was in poor shape in her waning years. My aunt would curse her old age, saying “105 here I come” with a scowl on her face. She made it to 99. That was more than enough for her.
I try to take care of myself, with intelligent supplementation to prevent common aging problems. No heart disease or cancer in my family tree, so I am curious to see how long I can last here. If I outlive ‘social security’ maybe my gold stash will finally be worth a lot more… albeit inflated FRNs.