from USGS.
The summit crater continues to collapse and subside with daily 5.3 earthquakes about every 20 to 35 hours. Apparently when these ‘collapse quakes’ happen and the hole gets a little bigger and deeper, it puts pressure on the magma chamber below. USGS scientists have noticed that about two hours after the ‘big one’ at the summit daily, the lava flow from fissure 8 (pictured above) will surge and the lava channel becomes full to overflowing in places. The flow rate then gradually lessens until the next time. Rinse & repeat.
I believe there is a LOT of magma yet to flow out from the upslope reservoirs. Everyone wonders how long this eruption could last? Well…. Pu’u O’o upslope was erupting continuously since 1983. That magma source was cut off by the underground reshuffling of the rift zone, and is now feeding this eruption along with all the magma that shifted down from the summit area. What I’m saying is that there is a lava source here that could continue for another 35 years…!