ITS INCREASINGLY CLEAR THE DEMOCRATS ARE PARANOID about what the Russians might tell Trump about the Seth Rich Murder ….The FBI has his computer and they arent talking about what they know .They are part of the cover -up ..the FBI…those “neutral investigators” . So the DNC has concoted this fantastic phony Outrage about the Russians invading the DNC servers ,well maybe they did and if they did and everybody knew it,since we do the same to every government in the world thats nothing new (ITS THE COVER UP THAT GETS YOU EVERY TIME)so then THEY (the Russians)have the evidence that the FBI is covering up and refuses to talk about it .Thats why this Fantastic concocted phony outrage about Russian Generals invading OUR election process …Well if they did then THEY know the truth about how the DNC rigged the election against Bernie Sanders and bribed him to shut up about it by buying him a vacation house…NOW they need to find away to blame the Russians for SETH RICH murder..the DNC needed to teach him a lesson and make an example for all other snitches to see as admitted by Hillarys chief of StaFF .Who hired the thugs that killed Seth RICH ? …follow the money the Clintonista slush Fund is a good place to start .The Russians are going to tell TRUMP what the FBI is covering up and for whose benefit…The Christian Putin and the CHRISTIAN TRUMP are going to expose those Communists murderers in the DNC . Stay Tuned ,turn down the volume of the phony outrage …..Why is the FBI so Paranoid and repeats over and over about the dedicated thousands ,”YE PROTEST TOO MUCH”as Shakespear would say ,he understood very well the evil that men do lives after them the good os oft intered with their bones… well how about the ROT at the TOP of the FBI ,to kill a snake you cut the Head off..but The venom might still kill you even after you cut the head off..kill it good…..! The FBI is the Real Problem ,not the 2 bit DNC Politicos ….
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