We NEED the media for that. The re-brainwashing or reverse brainwashing has started quite a few years back. The latest story really not up to speed on that.
Newsday today, big story “Cancer Cases Mystery” about increases in the number cancer cases. Of course. Scans are finding tiny things that need attention 40 years later. Its like borrowing from the future in the medical sector. I wrote to the author…….
No mystery to me. My studies suggest the areas with increasing cases obviously have more people with insurance, more Doctors, and more testing organizations like Zwanger etc, per square mile.
Also a lot of artificial “NEED” tasks took place as jobs went off shore after 1970, to over ride that. Including the “check engine light” and various unneeded “environment jobs”. Below examples of new “NEWS” re LESS medical needs for the future as jobs come back. A major long term reversal of the past is evolving slowly after the 2008 crash. FYI below.