Copy, thanks for the comeback. My only point was there is never just one roach. The medical system imo is full of exaggerated hype. They changed various numbers to sweep more people into various drugs for various “problems”. The Medical industry is full of protectionism. Did you read any of those links I posted? Early bird whistle blower doctors. Its “Trump” in the medical area starting.
When its time to go, we are going to go no matter what. All this stress and worry their media promotes, has millions of people paranoid and afraid of their health. The stress and worry alone causes health problems. Thank God dogs and cats can’t be brainwashed.
They make people think our bodies are like a car engine. You have to constantly check the oil pressure, the water temperature, fuel filter, make sure the belts and hoses are ok etc etc. Back in the ’50s and ’60s there was no medical insurance.
My grandfather had 8 kids, my father had 5 kids, I had two kids, all with no medical insurance, and everybody was fine, happy and healthy. Believe me that insurance is SUCKING people in. Once they get a hold of you, forget about it.