Because Trump was elected doesn’t mean it’s a entitlement people will automatically vote R for senator if they are Demo or Independents.
Trump can’t write executive orders for everything that can be undermined anyways.
Yes there is a walk away movement going on but also you see the left will stoop to new lows everyday.
In San Francisco the school boards want illegals able to vote. They want to normalize non citizens having a say in our Gov. They will promote lawless to get their way.
As one person said the GOP can’t organize a bake sale. Do you see them out there rallying and calling out the fraud of the left in your state? Not just during elections either. But their always asking for money, for what? I remember one senator here would come out for elections and making robo calls then you never heard from him again and nothing got done. He wound up getting beat out by the left.
Cortez in NY had a tiny bit of money but got out there as the time was right with changing demographics in that area to start preaching race and jobs free stuff that don’t mix with jobs lol
That and lower turn out resulting form the entitlement mentality of Crowley or whatever his name he lost.
As one left said once if I can’t get to you I’ll get to your kids. Parents may know when someone is a loonies or fraud but their kids may not and need to pay attention. The independents are the key because like patriots are not aligned to any party they’re looking at the issues and the GOP isn’t out there.
GOP can’t even agree on boarder security to get enough votes amongst themselves.
We need more republicans backing the president/ people. I saw some of that happening in the primaries.
I’d like to see a bunch of parents go to schools when they see them preaching their liberal ideations ” libs or the word have been hijacked by the far left” to their kids or encouraging violence. They call them out on it and go after their jobs if bad enough.
In the colleges of these parents are harassed if they protest and it will work against the left and maybe their kids will wake up. Especially of the parents pull the plug on these schools.
One of my daughter already have two friends homeschooling their kids.
Mr Copper
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