Yes they have and they want their power to continue that so why it’s important to stomp this fire out now.
Yes on Russia which at least is more civilized and educated than the Mid East we can negotiate more diplomatically but the left just wants to justify more war.
They won’t be happy until they blow the world up while they hide in their stocked bunkers. It’s Obvious they want to continue to pull us into another war. A war that rockets can reach our shores.
Ironically these same people are aligning with socialism and communist in the US. They are now the NEW RUSSIANS WITHIN!!
Did you know during the years of the Cold War the Russians saw the power of media that included movie stars they also infilterated.
They put John Wayne on a hit list during that time. His friends unfiltered the communist party to see what was going on and tell him about it. After things started to change the new leader called it off.
The new threat is bigger from within.