Bull shit. 🙂 If you had a business, and grossed $1,000,000, but at the end of the year, you netted a deductible LOSS of $100,000, would you brag about the $1,000,000 gross???
The United States Of America has lost money every year after 1969. Do not, I repeat and warn you, do NOT believe ANYTHING they say or imply. They are PROFESSIONAL bull shitters. 🙂 And manipulators we all know that.
Them telling the world and telling themselves that the USA has the biggest economy on the planet JUSTIFIED robbing us and giving it all away. The liquidation of America.
Reality, kicked them in the SHINS when Joe Sixpack “butt slammed” the whole bunch of global liars and manipulators. They worry about saving the whales and saving the planet, but not saving the old USA that SHOULD have been “insulated” and protected.
Now it sounds like they are scrambling like idiots to fix the USA without taking away from other countries that simply don’t want to lose any of their gains. They refuse to reciprocate because “they” are the global corporations that created this artificial global economy.