Safe Boxes May Not Be Safe After All
ORANGEVALE (CBS13) – A woman says her bank let her safe deposit box vanish. And she’s not the only one.
Susan Nomi says when she went to open her Bank of America safe deposit box of 16 years, the entire box was gone.
That’s where she kept her family’s jewelry and her dad’s coin collection.
“I was in shock; I was just like what happened to my box,” said Nomi.
She says Bank of America can’t explain where her valuables went.
“They don’t have an answer. They don’t have an answer. They say thanks for letting us know,” she says.
Nomi was infuriated, especially considering she is a retired Bank of America employee of 40 years. And she’s not alone. Others have complained that Bank of America drilled their safe deposit boxes without permission or notice.
Wendy Woo says her belongings were taken out of her safe deposit box and shipped to her.
“Everything was dumped in a plastic bag,” said Woo.
She says a ring was missing a stone and a necklace was damaged in the process.
“Safe deposit box….that’s what it’s for, safe,” she said.
Another family reported getting their safe deposit contents shipped back too, but claim $17,000 in jewelry was missing.
Then another woman who just wants to be identified as Maggie says, “I just got robbed from the bank.” “They just took my stuff,” she exclaimed.