OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

So Many Analyists…So many explainations

Posted by Samb @ 10:47 on July 27, 2018  

Every year we get the summer doldrums and every year we get the PM market way, way  over analyized. Maybe this year will be different but, I don’t choose to bet that way. These summer doldrums can be early or late but it is truth that they regulary occur and have proven to be great  BUYING opportunities. Sentiment is low…check. RSI is low….check, Summer low cycle timing is roughly now…check. No reason to go any deeper, imho.   (unless you are selling a newsletter service, then the sheep are paying you to say something of deep thought, lol.)

Novo Completes Exercise of Right to Purchase Half of Comet Well Royalty

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:18 on July 27, 2018  


These are smart people …

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:58 on July 27, 2018  

“We Fear For Our Lives”: First 50 White South African Families Start Resettlement In Russia

Just weeks after we reported that white South African farmers, facing racial genocide, had begun seeking refuge – from the violent attacks and death threats of their own government’s policies – in friendly foreign nations such as Australia, RT reports the first 50 families of Boers, descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, could soon be moving to Russia to escape rising violence against farmers.


Second-quarter GDP jumps 4.1% for best pace in nearly four years

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:47 on July 27, 2018  


SM appears underwhelmed by the GDP numbers

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:46 on July 27, 2018  

and here they come

Posted by Buygold @ 9:45 on July 27, 2018  

making every effort to break HUI 165 which has been support for a couple of years

Morning MM

Posted by Buygold @ 7:10 on July 27, 2018  

You are correct, the desert rat era.

Maybe Trump will go to war with Iran, I don’t know. I’m just not sure Trump really wants to go to war anywhere though, the country has had enough,

I guess it might be more likely the Israeli’s or Saudi’s keep their proxy wars going with Iran.

Coffee Time with Adele “From the Deep End To and Fro”

Posted by winedoc @ 6:23 on July 27, 2018  

My new painting …….


Morning Friends …….



Pele’s Cauldron at Dawn

Posted by Maya @ 4:16 on July 27, 2018  


Same ‘ol routine here… summit collapse earthquakes and lava outflows continue.  Every time the summit crater collapses a little deeper with a 5.3 earthquake, it pressurizes the magma and two hours later the lava outflow downslope will surge and leak over the channel in a few places.  This cycle varies around 24 to 38 hours.  It’s like the volcano has indigestion burps at the top end, and has ‘the runs’ on the bottom end!

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 3:41 on July 27, 2018  


‘The Canadian’ cruises thru Ontario


It wildebeast the Gnu’s shitting on humanity…

Posted by macroman3 @ 2:26 on July 27, 2018  

Image result for gnu pic

Oh, and that was a test post because I thot I was banned again. Hi R640…

Posted by macroman3 @ 2:18 on July 27, 2018  

BG, 18:07, if I recall, you were a desert SEAL rat, a unit born out of the Debacle in the Desert in 1979 Iran courtesy of Jimmy Carter’s malfunctioning military.

Posted by macroman3 @ 2:15 on July 27, 2018  

If “coward” Jimmy was willing to retake Iran for BP, why wouldn’t 6 shooter Trump?

Thot I’d throw some raw meat out there to take your mind off more important things….


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.