was among the first to trash the Gold BUGS ,twenty years ago I got into Gold stocks when silver was at 3.50 /oz
..Vanguard CLOSED its gold Fund to new purchases and only allowed SALES and tried to force me out…So I accommodated them ..I sold all my Vanguard holdings in every Fund I had and switched to Tocqueville Gold Fund ..and promptly made 50,000 at that time while its gold Fund did absolutely nothing and sells to this day at the same price it was 20 years ago .They did it intentional,they bought the worst stocks imaginable to discourage gold buyers ..They literally intentionally wanted to lose money in the Gold Fund to force buyers into S&P stocks.Criminal s! They really tried to screw the Gold Buyers and finally got the Courage to close the FUND ,after they cost thier GOLD FUND buyers 20 years of gains and profits and caused them to miss the biggest gains gold had since 1993….Then the Federal Government got in cahoots with them and rigged the Gold Markets just like they did ..Vanguard showed them how to do it..