I copied the text , and sent it to myself in an email , as well as saved it to an Apple Pages (WP) document , while online .
The email will open but cannot be scrolled downward to read it in entirety.
The Pages (WP) document goes into a weird narrow column format . Attempts to widen the document cause the whole thing to become invisible and unscrollable .
I went into airplane mode ( offline ) . In that state I could save the text as a Pages (WP) document that is readable . If I go back online with that device , I am sure it will again become unreadable .
This is part of a pattern . I am sure that many here have heard that Robert Spencer – an author who uses the Koran and other Islamic history to expose the roots of jihad has had payments to his organization blocked by MasterCard via Patreon . SPLC has made false representations of his writings to achieve this .
I personally have had emails blocked as being ‘spam’ when sent to a single recipient . The content ? One was a link to the YouTube video of the SOTU address earlier this year , and the second , to the same individual , was a two word response to a note received from that individual regarding prayer . My reply was “Yes , Indeed !”. Some entity within the Apple email organization has the authority to block email pertaining to an address by our President , and concerning faith . I have owned Apple devices since 1984 – that will end now . Apparently , Tim Cook , CEO of Apple condones quashing free speech in America .
The Deep State seems to be becoming unhinged , along with the Elites who see their power structure crumbling . Our Constitutional Rights seem to be disappearing . I do not want to see that happening in America . It already has in parts of Europe and elsewhere .