Inner city has a whole bunch of teenage girls having baby’s when their baby’s themselves and daddy’s no where around.
Where’s their moral athroiry?
Aretha Franklin had her first child at 12 years old. I believe she was taken advantage of more than once with useless guys latching on to a rising star.
Same for these race baiter leaders using them.
I was with one of these singers grandchild age 13 when she was having a baby along with her family because of her age. She was the grandagughter of one of the Shirelles. Think the song soilder boy. Her and my youngest daughter would go see her on stage and she would point them out to the crowd. She grew up to be a model. She is mixed race pretty girl with long straight hair. Even now she’s hit by losers who think she had money because of her grandmother and was quite stressed out till I told her to turn the D computer off. There just losers who want something for nothing and she should be proud of her grandma for her accomplishments at a time when segregation ” was” in play. They had to go to back of restaurants to eat. No more so don’t listen to these guys. She’s at little more peace now. It had a opposite effect on her and she married a white guy who loves her and her sons the next born just last year after 16 years are half white.
This is a problem I see with ” moral authority.”
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