OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 16:44 on September 7, 2018  

He’s just a little poster boy whimp for gun confiscation and anti Trump propaganda. Free press showed he has a problem with authority figures and law is only okay if it suits him. He was very disrespectful to law inforcment on the beach with his friend after law told his friend to get his bogey board off the trash he laid it across blocking it. Went on to whine and complain about that calling it brutality. He found something he’s good at, whining.
They’ll grab it where ever they can
This media is using him and inturn it’s giving him aspirations it could get him a cushy job in politics where he’s already learning to be a puppet boy for pay for play. The weak links is our society to be used against our constitution and country.
World wide including heavy gun control areas you’d be surprised of all the mass shootings and other forms of killings of unarmed citizens but they make false propaganda it’s only here. With PC in some countries it’s enabling crime getting worse. There would be even more going on here if criminals knew were were unarmed if it wasn’t for our second amendment. They continue to propagate the illusion that taking guns away from law abiding will stop the crime but will just enable it as what’s going on elsewhere. Demos have shown they are the biggest criminals and obvious why they want to disarm the citizens.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.