yes you are exactly right because of the Math …when interest rates go up from 1 to 2 % you double the interest payments needed.When Bill CLinton and his Treasury sec FINANCED all the US debt from LONG TERM to SHORT TERM HE created a MONSTER ….instead of having 5 % of your debt come due in a YEAR ,NOW 100 % of the debt comes due in 3 months..YEAA !!!for Bill Clinton he balanced the budget …Are the DEMS still cheering ?
This is the trickery theDemocrats use to get elected….and then when he’s long gone YOU PAY !
Clinton created this MONSTER..When interest rates come down from 10 % to 9% its only effects 10 % of whats due,but when rates go from1 to 2 % it effects 100 % of whats due yet both are only a 1 % difference …..Going down is easy ..going up is HELL to pay….and thats something the FED needs to keep in mind ! THEY DONT SEEM TO UNDERSTAND THAT ! and they are “ECONOMISTS” ,,,,really !…they must have gone to Harvard where only words matter instead of NUMBERS ,maybe they should have gone to Wharton instead…