I started while still in high school at 1:60. When I moved on my own after the first year of hell us girls shared apts. That way we could afford a nicer place two pools one indoor a jacuzzi, all that and still have money to eat lol plus a bit of safety as a young female living alone vs roommates. Some protection as more eyes anyway. At 19 I remember waking up to a hispanic guy trying to break in and ran to close my roommates window who was asleep. Then ran to get a weapon and her door automatically started to close and moving so fast ran right into it knocking me to the floor and felt like I just broke a rib. I’m thinking man I can’t get up now just my luck so got up anyways.
Your apt now 1600. See the insanity with housing? 1600 a month, a weeks pay would be with work hangover let’s see lol 1600• 4.3 is 6,880 a month! Then the media wonders why so many homeless.
Even if you have a lot of equity in your home you can still be house poor less you sell and move to a cheaper area or do a reverse mortgage and steal your kids if you have them inheritance. Many whites anyways worked to give their kids a inheritance be the farm or home. The Fed stole many heirs inheritance in 08 housing crash due to greed and there desperate mismanagement of a reason due to jobs going south because of them while continuing unfair trade and trade deals like NAFTA.
Same with medical we could pay cash for anything non catastrophic.
You got a 1600 rent and with a kid are paying 900 month or more for medical insurance less you opt for a high deductible and will either be short of cash if you need it or wind up paying the same.
Democrats just screwed that up big time.
Now they want to fix the mess they made.
Like that saying if you go see a movie and it’s horrible are you going to go back to part two.
So how much of your weekly pay be if you add insurance.
1600 plus 900 is 2500 so times 4.3 that’s 10,750 mo.
Venezuela here we come.