The taxidermist used an extra large wolf form, the largest made, and said he still had to take lots of “tucks” to shrink him to fit the form. Compare him with a large German Shepard and add about 50% and you realize his size.
I have suffered lots of mixed pain and pleasure over the years for shooting him. Pain because I have always preferred living WITH nature and the wildlife, not killing it, and pleasure because after removing that leader the rest of the pack took my ranch off their circuit and I had no more predation from them. Before his demise they came through the ranch about every two weeks, running their circuit of about 50 miles, and I would suffer losses or be doctoring wounded cattle. My conclusion was their modus operandi in running their circuit was not necessarily to kill when they encountered their quarry, but to slash and wound and disable as much as possible; then continue on their circuit, knowing the next time through they would find those animals sick and easy prey to kill.
Anyway, he, and they, were just doing their “job” as nature intended, and I was just protecting what I considered to be mine.