What the hell were that thinking? If commodities are valued in US Dollars, and US Dollars are manually or speculated higher or lower in value, it distorts and changes the commodity costs. Then the mathematically inverted distorted higher or lower priced commodity causes abnormal changes in production or consumption. Supply and demand is supposed to set prices, but instead, prices change the supply or demand.
Just resting before further exertions …
I know that hill you speak of.
Have fun!
“They were idiots decades ago for eliminating the gold standard, eliminating capitalism, and doing away with natural market forces to adjust supply and demand.”
Ipso… RE: Your ‘Skeena’ investment. There’s a train for that!
I may be hit-or-miss here for a few days. Crazy Halloween and Birthday parties. I turn 66… like the ‘Route’.
Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it’s over the hill we go…. and once you’re over the hill you pick up speed, you know.
Charts look pretty much like the gold charts. Only difference Gold made a bottom in late 20015 and the CRB later in early 2016. Todays CRB is lower than the ’09 extreme lows. You may have to scroll this one at the bottom, left sideways to see 2009. Gold going up first could have been “engineered” higher lead or give psychological lift for other commodities.
For all we know, TPTB may be spending money to support Gold prices, to avoid the markets from getting a deflationary psychology. The only problem with this logic, higher commodities prices encourages production, leading to gluts, leading to lower prices.
They were idiots decades ago for eliminating the gold standard, eliminating capitalism, and doing away with natural market forces to adjust supply and demand.
This one has a pulldown to go back to 2009.
Equis WHN …… none of my stocks have EVER done that …..
Sticking with mostly boring motorcycle parts …..
Bought some more Goldcorp today though ……
“Happy Halloween” everyone
You’re welcome. Looks like a big winner. Wish I had some!
the Shovelnose project. Nice to see the Spences Bridge gold belt getting some attention.
looks like plenty of selling around, but the scum are there protecting 7000 in the Dog.
Westhaven Drills 46.20 Metres of 8.95 g/t Gold and 65.47 g/t Silver at Shovelnose
If I was the uncle I’d be carrying my lucky rabbit’s foot!
PS I’m sure the Iranians are laughing their asses off.
Either this is bullshi ite or the mkts are completely broken, as Oil and Gold shud not be down if this is true.
…added 100 shares of JNUG between yesterday and today .
( I hope I haven’t jinxed your investment , as my timing is often wrong ).
I am also ‘way south of home . Colombia , where it has been cool the past couple of days , and where Trump will soon visit according to news here.
Like a billion Bernie Madoffs. This is the biggest fake jobs creator of all times. They make the military complex, the Global Banking cartel, the Insurance industry and Monsanto look like lemon aid stands. This news below will grow over time.
I also read an article about the need to “rename” certain cancers. That would mean a reverse of fraud in definition of some cancers. The psychological and Medical theft on the public will probably hit the headlines in the mass media after a sufficient number of the public find out on their own or on social media. Or if Trump hears about this……..
Overdiagnosis: when finding cancer can do more harm than good
Some grow fast and spread quickly, while others grow so slowly (or even not at all) that if they went undetected they wouldn’t cause any problems. Even if left untreated, a person wouldn’t be harmed by their cancer.
When these harmless cancers are found they’re said to be ‘overdiagnosed’. This happens more often with certain types of cancer, and is usually tied to particular types of cancer screening that test people without symptoms, such as breast screening.
The problem is that when these types of cancer are diagnosed early it’s impossible to tell the potentially harmful ones from the harmless ones. Everyone is then usually offered treatment. And this means that some will be exposed to the potential side effects of treatment, and worry of a cancer diagnosis, when they didn’t need to be. This is called overtreatment.
Overdiagnosis is one of the key things to consider when working out the balance of possible benefits and harms of cancer screening. Keep in mind, overdiagnosed cancers aren’t the same as when a test finds something abnormal that turns out not to be cancer (so-called false positive test results), another risk of screening and many other types of test. An overdiagnosed cancer is a true cancer, but it’s one that wouldn’t have caused harm in that person’s lifetime.
So the challenge then becomes shifting our thinking of cancer as always needing urgent treatment to a disease that sometimes we can live with, or be unaware of and unaffected by.
Over the last few decades overdiagnosis has been receiving more attention. And with new cancer detection technology on the horizon, ranging from blood tests to wristbands, it’s important that we learn more about it and work out how to minimise it.
VIENNA (Reuters) – Austria will follow the United States and Hungary in backing out of a United Nations migration pact over concerns it will blur the line between legal and illegal migration, the right-wing government said on Wednesday.
“Everyone has a food stand beside the road trying to survive.”
At least they are doing something to try and help themselves … not just standing on the side of the road with their hand out.
Good luck with your ventures in Belize!
But no options–just an outright buy…
I just bought another 100 shares. Historically, when American farmers have huge grain crops and inventory and the dollar is high, the invisible hand starts to work the dollar lower to sell those huge crops. I hope it works again.
coming to you from Belize today. Some friends of Irish are asking about the group on Oasis. I tell them “another day older and deeper in debt”. Some have passed or we no longer hear from them.
Central America is very nervous about the economy. Everyone has a food stand beside the road trying to survive.
Probably rode with Genghis or something similar.
No, will not hurt repubs, the publicity DJT is garnering over birth right citizenship will hurt the dems.
Goto 7:43 on this vid: