You might be right about emotion concerning guns. Most these mass shooting were on emotion. It wouldn’t matter with them if it were guns,cars or any form they could dream up.
The rest is a theory. Most younger people in general might start out on the left only because of the BS coming from that party. In short they care. No they don’t. Neither side as you know really does except maybe a few but they get the people particularly the young and certain groups to believe it to get their vote.
It’s kinda like NIKE and be like Mike. Nike attaches themselves to sports and sports players so as the alter ego goes people want to buy them for that reason, almost like buying a Jacket or hat with your team LOGO.
That’s what these politicians do. Attach themselves to the concerns of the people but never deliver or giving a little but taking a lot.
Trumps the only one who has worked on his promises and revived the Republican Party but what had the party done. We still have no reform of health care.l, a wall or immigration control. We even need to decrease the number of legal immigrants.
Trump can’t do that one alone.
We had Ryan wanting to raise the age of SS while he retires after a few years on a what 174K pension.
After Trumps gone it will probably be business as usual. The ones who got sucked into the left are their own worst enemies but the right isn’t too much better.
As far as abortion NO ONE on either side has ever mentioned men taking any responsibility in getting a woman pregnant. I remember reading a book in the 70 s where already even the pill being knew it already made 10 thousand children motherless. Mostly blood clots that traveled to the lungs or brains. Why should it be all their responsibility? Have you ever heard anyone bringing that up?
It’s not just that it’s everything. Not just mass immigration they stood silent.
They stood silent when jobs were being outsourced, they stood silent when taxes, regulations, and cost of living went up, They were better at demanding higher wages but that backfired with closing of unions who kept wanting higher wages and even more outsourcing or enabling more illegals to come take the jobs.
They should of been focusing on the rising cost I can guess the Fed had something to do with that as well as the politicians. They should of stood up to the illegal invasion instead of walked away. I remember a cop telling me once they can’t do anything about crime and illegals because there’s too many of them and that was in the late 70s.
Men started changing in the 60s that started the down fall.
Now I’m seeing the present young parents today are staying together for the most part. There’d struggling while white youth are called provlidged and if your a white man your evil.
These young men are supporting their family’s along with their wives now while their taxes go to pay for minorities who call them evil and illegals getting social welfare benefits and costs of everything rising by the year. They’re getting buried but their privileged. I guess it’s a effective way to stop them from complaining. Throw PC in there.
If the men ” and women” would of banded together in the 60 s and 70s like the generations before maybe they would of prevented that but the men were out finding themselves or partying. As far as single women many had fathers brothers or cousins if they were close enough. It was the law attitude that changed mostly because of rising poverty and crime that went with it. No more putting guns on a rack behind the truck.
After the 40s money got better and with tech life got better. Boys got spoiled.
I have more hope for this generation than that one as far as that goes but not for their future.
If the congress got enough votes for the last two Supreme Court Justices why can’t they get enough votes to build a wall and put laws in place that will keep illegals from being motivated in the first place from coming here. They can find away also to allow seasonal or temporary workers like for farming in but measures they have to go back and they can’t be near term pregnant. Why can’t they reform healthcare.