roll over the last hour, it would set up a possible black Monday…I wouldn’t bet the ranch on that, though…I just wonder if gold would go in the opposite direction like it did Wednesday & Thursday??…so far JNUG’s been popping a bit when stocks sell off…given the new high volatility, gold could shoot up nicely…the DOW is up only 50 now [it was up 414 earlier]–and gold hasn’t done much…deploying profits, I picked up a 100 JNUG calls–but far out of the money–I ain’t risking a lot to buy at or near the money options…A “just in case trade”…
Oops, the Russell is now down 4 pts–big time reversal–I like that from my bearish perspective…I may have to dubble up on those calls…the DOW’s up 37…but Dang! Golds still down 4.40…that ain’t right….[snort]
Filled | Buy to Open | 20 | JNUG Oct 19 2018 9.5 Call | Limit | 0.21 | — | — | 11:03:38 10/12/18 |