Sorry to hear that. If he was working oil wells, lots of lifting and twisting, maybe he did have a structural mechanical problem. My job working with metals also was hard on my frame. Never had my back checked. Never have anything checked after about 30 some years ago last check up Dr Visit. They ALWAYS find something and never make you feel good. Nurses have told me that. Like Lawyers, tell you the worst…”You can get 20 years for that”
Your note sounded like it was his first attack and wanted to know what it was NOW, and wanted it fixed right away. Then the operation is what screwed him up. The Dr. I mentioned has patients that had surgery on their backs and back pain continues. Even a relative here had back pain, went for surgery, no help.
The Dr. Sarno said under X-Rays ALL people have abnormalities on the back bone. Then they point one out and blame it, and do operations that mostly don’t work. Wrong cause. They tried to shut the guy up because its a multi billion dollar “job” for them. BTW extremely old people get that way with positive thoughts, staying active, and staying AWAY from Doctors. Them and stress and worry cause all the mechanical ailments, including digestive ailments.
Once they get a hold of you forget about it. They NEVER suggest psychological placebo approach like rub horse shit on it like the old days. 🙂 Your son-in-law may have had a lot on his mind, and the back attack is his body’s way of forcing a long needed rest. I once had a bad attack while driving to a friends house for dinner. Holy cow was that, as I tried standing up at 35 miles per hour.
That book WOKE ME UP. Everyone should get it. Its small and very few pages.