All of a sudden we see a real slowdown and bad news coming out of China, yet for near decades their numbers have been excellent, so much so, many just say they are fiddled, who knows, certainly not me.
Also China has been a kind of hybrid society, since Mao went to hell, it was no longer 1000 % communist, but it was not a real democracy either, as there was only one party, but at least the members had to move on. The reason given, was that they did not want the chaos of say Russia during the transition period. Meanwhile the economic miracle cruised on and those amazing numbers kept coming.
Now suddenly they are not there, those number. Why ??? Last year Chairman Xi announced he wasn’t going anywhere, in fact he was staying forever. Now if you were yr average Chinaman and you heard that message, you might be a bit disappointed, you might think sod this, what is the point of working my arse off if the Commies ain’t going anywhere and could come and nick everything I’ve got, just like they did in the past. Might you just slow down and not bother anymore.