I hope so, did you see the photos of those cops in Mexico with blood all over their face when the illegals were busting through the fence.
That so called social worker might be involved in a criminal ring herself. Maybe the talk about trafficking in the system has some truth. Many aren’t the sharpest tool in the box, easy courses compared to other careers which attracts strange people and seen recovering drug addicts and those who came from disfunctional upbringings going for those classes so may see things backwards or disfunctional as normal destroying these kids. They also have no medical training or assessment. Ex swollen fontanels, their emotional status, bruises in places not normal or getting mixed up between normal bruises like your shin playing, so real things like real abuse gets by them easily.
The courts are only keeping her because they know if the mom gets her child back she will sue the hell out of them. Scum bags.
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