I LOVE the humor. LOL!!! Thanks and OUCH!! But fitting for the last many years of pain we’ve all endured. Bound to be our turn one of these days. Maybe even today. :o)
Some days in the PM world … you get the horn.
then other days … it’s the horn again, and after that …. more horns.
It’s a theme.
If this on line store ever goes public it would be a good buy, probably better than alibaba
They already hosted the Lakers.
It’s called wish at wish.com
It’s private right now.
People on a budget or not can get things avoiding the middleman and some things are free just paying shipping.
This company if expanded could be a trillion dollar company. The things come from China. They don’t seem to have American original things like Barbie doll
but everything else.
Ex google employee invented it.
Amazon tried to buy it and can guess why since their prices are lower many tines much much lower.
At $8.5 Billion, Shopping App ‘Wish’ Is Now Worth More Than Sears, Macy’s And JC Penney Combined
Did you hear about Merkel, if news isn’t fake she won’t run again. Then Armstrong has posted on her and the Euro that could sent dollar up somewhere in Dec think he says. Guess if gold continues to end of year be out before end of year if you see the signs Germany goes back to Deutschmark.
Tit For Tat, The Status Quo Fed Raises The Dollar To Keeps Imports Cheap, and The New America First Break-way Group Just Adds More Tariffs To Make Imports More Expensive
So nothing changes. One foot on the gas and one foot on the brakes at the same time. All the stores are still full of Chinese made crap. Expensive imports, even VERY expensive imports are bad short term but good for the USA long term.
Opposite, 1975, Cheaper imports very good short term, very bad long term. We have been in the long term a long long time, and the 2008 crash was a result. I could NEVER understand why so many Americans, like 90%, gleefully bought imported cars.
In My Opinion? Those increased deficits are due in large part to the Gov’t NOT Able To Raise Taxes
The economy is too weak to raise taxes and pay down debt. Its been going on since the 1970s after the forced removal of gold backing on the dollar, (1971) after which, imports and out sourcing business activity killed US Business profits, after which downward pressure on wages. Plus under reporting the actual inflation rate, led to wages falling behind inflation. More food stamps, more phony jobs that cost society rather that help society.
Those increased deficits are due in large part to the Fed raising rates. Interest on that debt is exploding.
Just checked GLD on Yahoo shows the after hours up $.71 or $7 on gold but TD Ameritrade does not confirm.
Richey, Maddog, The Debt and The Deficits are RESULTS, not the Cause.
Rich, agreed the game or the party is over. It should have ended in 2015-16, the Trump team and media gave it more life. That’s all. They bought only two more years.
Mr Copper
The PPT just rammed the S&P 20 full points in minutes….make that 30 full points !!!!they ain’t dead yet and they’re sitting on 1230 Gold…..bums.
Mr Copper–u r right!. After 10 years it’s time to notify next of kin.
The DOW was up 352 on the open–now down 406…a 10 year bull sponsored by the FED…long ignored, DEBT is at the “recognition point”–it DOES matter! The FED/U.S. charge card is maxxed out–forget about a climactic selling day with the DOW down 1500==it bottoms–the roars back up to new highs…those days are over
The Plunge Protection Team Created After The 1987 Crash, Seems To Be failing
They can only give the markets boost during the night and early morning during thin trading.
THANKS MADDOG–AMZN is a bell weather…ditto for AAPL & the other FANGS–but Amazon is the most important
INVESTORS [pro and amateur] ARE AFRAID TO LOOK INTO THE CASKET-!! They are still in denial
The 5 stages of the Kubler-Ross grief model:
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
Great call on the SM opening today..
SM sure getting some steam to the downside!
The PM shares who knows …
SM rolling over?
Not sure why silver got slammed so hard. I guess just because they could…
Looked for awhile like the shares would hold up but I dunno
Re Illegal Immigrants and deploying troops to Calif, Arizona, and Texas
I can’t help it but suspect that everything from or in the “news” is intended as diversion of attention from away from something else. There are illegal immigrants EVERYWHERE, even right here around NYC. Many or even most from Europe.
The Hispanics are abundant and easy to spot, but the ones from EU or Russia etc are invisible until they open their mouth and say something. When shopping in Costco or local malls, the foreign born has to be about 30% at least around here.
I hope so, did you see the photos of those cops in Mexico with blood all over their face when the illegals were busting through the fence.
That so called social worker might be involved in a criminal ring herself. Maybe the talk about trafficking in the system has some truth. Many aren’t the sharpest tool in the box, easy courses compared to other careers which attracts strange people and seen recovering drug addicts and those who came from disfunctional upbringings going for those classes so may see things backwards or disfunctional as normal destroying these kids. They also have no medical training or assessment. Ex swollen fontanels, their emotional status, bruises in places not normal or getting mixed up between normal bruises like your shin playing, so real things like real abuse gets by them easily.
The courts are only keeping her because they know if the mom gets her child back she will sue the hell out of them. Scum bags.
drb2 @ 11:01
Looks like just what the Doctor ordered!