I bet that Trump will send even more soldiers to the border. To protect the borders is job 1 IMO.
Sad story about the little girl.
I bet that Trump will send even more soldiers to the border. To protect the borders is job 1 IMO.
Sad story about the little girl.
Heard they were deploying troops to Calif, Arizona, and Texas. They need more than that if there planning on breaking through by the thousands.
Since the hoopla about seperating children there and they got word of ithas been a uptick.
Meanwhile to outrage of the two year old beautiful blond child they took from the mother on false accusations so the cps worker lied say she doesn’t feel safe giving her back and gave her to a pedofile porn trafficker who molested her and porned pictures. Then removed her to a woman who put her in a bath with scalding water till she passed out and chunks of her skin falling off and waited 5 hours to call a ambulance after calling all her friends first. She had to have skin grafts and all her toes removed but still has the same brain dead psycho social worker who won’t let her see her mother. No outrage there after they raped and torchered this little girl.
Pittsburg shooter==
THE SAYOC FORECLOSURE certainly fits a pattern of dodgy documents, known robo-signers, and a successful rubber stamp from the judicial system regardless. Given what we know about how David J. Stern’s law firm whipped through foreclosures, it’s likely to have other process errors. And we know that it happens to involve several people at the heart of his suspected mail bombings.
Mnuchin co-owned and chaired the bank that eventually foreclosed on Sayoc. Soros, an investor in the bank, received one of the mail bombs. Kamala Harris, another mail bomb recipient, had an opportunity to prosecute OneWest Bank over similar foreclosure-related abuses in California when she was state attorney general, but declined to do so. Eric Holder, yet another recipient, did next to nothing to sanction bankers over foreclosure crimes.
has bounced pretty nicely after that 19% selloff after their last earnings report.
Then again, almost every time something pm sells off it has to go back and re-test the lows.
When gold gets to $5K and AMZN gets to $50. I’m going to sell all my gold and buy AMZN and the rest of the FAANG’s
[snip]…interesting piece of equipment, looks as though it has potential to repel large numbers of illegal invaders trying to make a mass assault on our borders.
5,000 Troops To Be Deployed To Southern Border; Military Actively Moving Equipment
Vote! Vote!
considering the strong USD
I suppose the shares are being dragged a little higher because of the strong SM
Still what little momentum we had over the last month is long gone.
In recent days, mid-tier gold and copper miner Aura Minerals (TSX:ORA) decided to suspend operations at its San Andrés mine in Honduras due to what the miner calls ‘an illegal occupation of the mine’ that has been intensifying since July 13, 2018.
Through its subsidiary in the Central American country, Minerales de Occidente S.A or Minosa, Aura management informed workers that the gold mine would be temporarily closed because the limited access to a new area it wants to exploit makes it unprofitable.
The place the miner wants to work on sits on top of a more than 200-year-old cemetery. To be able to perform mineral extraction there, Minosa has had to unearth and relocate hundreds of bodies, an action that some villagers and NGOs oppose but others agree with. Back in May, a judge blocked Minosa’s activities but since the decision was temporary, opponents decided to ramp up a blockade that initially began in April.
Protesters force Aura Minerals to suspend operations in Honduras
I am amazed that JNUG is actually green pre-mkt–great resilience the past 4 to 5 weeks but little upside..
Stocks coming in UP on a monday morning is bearish cause it shows no worry over the weekend–in the 90s stocks always opened down on monday and were quickly bought…
‘Tropical Trump’ Bolsonaro: Brazil’s new president
Some big changes for Germany. It’ll be real interesting as to what happens next!
Good riddance Merkel!
No one here has ever censored Paul Craig Roberts. To say that is just a complete falsehood. I have posted his stuff here many times myself.
The problem I have with you is called hypocrisy.
I will tell it once again: A couple of years ago … I remember it clearly you got all upset when someone used the word: “Cannuckistan.” You threatened to leave if this word kept being used. YOU TRIED TO CENSOR OTHER PEOPLE!
This being the case it is just amazing that you should portray yourself as some “Anti Censorship Rebel.” It is all just a bunch of hypocritical baloney!
Why you getting so unruly?
Merkel is gone…. EU is now rudderless ….Macron would love to be Emperor, but everyone knows he is a jerk and has no power base in France, as he is hated.
Populism is on the march…..the Old EU is under serious attack from the likes of Salvini..
Re China
Irwin Stelzer who writes for our Sunday Times and is well dialed in on US matters, says the Trade war with China is not going away…plus a new Cold War is opening up, due to Chinese aggression/expansion in Pacific. The Donald has woken up to it and the Dems are on board..
All sorts of ramifications especially in Commodity prices.
Another Fun Filled Day
Twit was already taken by the corporation…
edit, maybe ipso you are personifying vronsky and FGC?
It’s an Icon. The Santa Fe ‘Texas Chief’
at Dallas, awaiting departure.