I posted an article that claimed Paul Craig Roberts was banned from Twitter. Never did I say (or expect) ipso to censor him. It was another example of how the left MSM propaganda is trying to influence an election just as Alex Jones was censored on You Tube and whomever Conservative else on other macro media channels such as FB and Apple.
I paralleled that on a micro level as to how the Gold Tent was erected by bully moderators like Vronsky and FGC. Free from censorship is a pillar of why we are Goldbugs. Gold frees us of the chains that bankers and politicians use with propaganda to enslave everyone else.
As for the Canuckistan incident a few years ago, I informed the poster that that is a slur north of our border (then, not so much now as is evident). Being “tolerant” of free speech and your 1st, I explained an intelligent conversation has a distinction of being class instead of crass. As the rules of engagement on the sidebar state, gentlemanly conduct is the order of the day.
I am so sick of ideas being purged, like in PCR’s opening line that contained “Neocon Zionist” and yet the foul mouthed expletives of C U Next Tuesday, FBombs and various other deadbeat over used words are the new normal. What happened to decorum? For the record, I’m neither a prude nor a choirboy and believe there is a time and a place strategically for certain words and phrases, sometimes for humor, sometimes for “you have crossed the line”, enforcing the 1st.
I respect ipso immensely so I will cease and desist on this topic from here on (yes I hear the sighs of relief).