I know, it’s more a status thing with her instead of issues that are important to women. She had Trump on her show to before he ran for president. Hillary to her then meant a continuation of the Obama regime. To her if you didn’t vote for a black because she was black meant ” you” were racist not her.
She apparently doesn’t care if the state goes down the tubes voting someone not business wise competent. Just another obstruction tool for the demoncratic demigods.
I’m beginning to think corrupt money even banksters are behind this too. Reason is they know they are incompetent pushovers than can be bribed easily.
I remember when going to Georgia a guy told me if you only had half a brain you could make a lot of money here lol That was a push for me to move here but that didn’t include heath care field. A black half Italian nurse in Calif just left there and said she had to work double shifts to get out and they didn’t even pay OT. She was originally from NY. The boss fired her though after a insistent where one of her patent coded and she just stood there. I came in started CRP the boss came in I told her to get the crash cart she took her time. Beware of traveling nurses. To be fare they could be good too.
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