just a series of recessions between bouts of inflation …Why
neither is acceptable Politically ..Hyper inflation causes Governments to collapse and Government gets thrown out as the Weimer republic in Germany replaced by a Strongman (Hitler)…He did stop the Inflation !It took a wheelbarrow of paper money to buy a pair of shoes.
In a restaurant you paid before you ate because the price doubled before you finished eating …
Hitler did stop the Inflation ,but but but…he went nuts !Unacceptable !
Well ..in the USÂ The people DID accept depression and they did NOT throw out the Government in the US .IE 1929..1933…Government stayed intact ,so that will be THIER CHOICE (Politicians) ..
How do you fight DEPRESSION ?  Greenspan said we will print money thats easy ! You cant recover from a Depression without printing money …Its almost impossible to get the economy going again.  WE been trying to inflate unsuccessfully for 3 years NOW !   SO they will try 2 years of inflation followed by two years of recessions  rinse and Repeat ,,rinse & repeat….
until nobody accepts the US DOLLAR for anything outside the US.. not for oil,not for Gold ,not for IOUs    .Your money is NO good Here..! The US will be the worst place to live ..except for all the rest ! Who will trust the Germans,the Russians,the Chinese ?    CREDIT will disappear and the world will be on a cash basis  !With NO credit we have a de facto GOLD STANDARD  ! The dollar is as good as Gold …internally ,externally ..pay us in Gold !  We can survive without imports now that we produce Gas ,OIL ,but exports will collapse because of internal needs for energy..Third world will have wars to control population demands..We will need WALLS & Mine FIelds to stop immigration…..Democrats will go nuts without free loader voters …..Cuba & Venezuela are only the beginning …The founders protected us with Sea to Sea protection Ice to the North ..that leaves Southern Borders with protection by Carribbean SEA protection somewhat ..Problem …Mexico !!!! BUILD that WALL or MINE IT ! If you got the Stomach for it…Just imagine what it would be like if we were surrounded by Muslims like Russia or infiltrated by Muslims like Europe ! Where in two years whites will be out voted ,,thats the end of DEMOCRACY ….Dictatorships will be the Rule ,not the exception for survival..MACRON will beg for US HELP again ,we can only offer him advice…Learn to Speak Russian….!