Which will be the first to fail and bring the system down with them?
Both trading in the single digits
Which will be the first to fail and bring the system down with them?
Both trading in the single digits
to prevent the blame for the worlds debt being placed where it belongs .The flawed money system based on DEBT ..The more you get others to be indebted to you ,the Richer you are. Dont blame Hitler for WW2 ,he didnt put Germany into so much debt that their only way out was to print money…Then a Politician named Hitler said he would stop the inflation,and he did ! The FOOL politician did exactly what the debt Bankers suckered him to do. Find a scrapegoat that did not include the Bankers,so they turned to Now days their neighbors and beggared them to start a fight to take attention away from the real troublemaker s the Banksters..Now days the Worlds biggest players are aware of the History.. Russia ‘s getting out of debt and printing their own internal currency based on something other debt.China is also aware and is doing the same thing ..Europe is falling into the same Trap it did before ,thats why Macron is equating Nationalism with WAR,Germany is doing the same,same shit different day…
Gold fits the bill because its not someones else’s debt..
Nationalism is the Scapegoat turning neighbor against neighbor and diverting attention away from the Bankster Rothschild..the real causes of WAR.National indebtedness.The debt must be defaulted on and those that created it must take the bankruptsy and scorn they deserve.Let there be a controlled shrinkage of the number of Banks that go under ,,one at a time…thats the only way out peacefully..Stop the Banks ability to create debt beyond their ability to absorb losses for their mistakes and greed with loans that never should have been made…China understands the problem and never invaded neighbors,they built a WALL ….Russia the same,they only want a buffer zone against bad neighbors.instead of a Wall they kept friendly politicians next door sometimes by threat,or regime change,a different tactic .The US has Natural borders thanks to the Founding Fathers except for Mexico so far…Europe is the Bad boy again..the heart of bad debts and scrapegoats and money lenders….Dont blame Nationalism,blame the Banksters for beggering their neighbors with more debt..and turning them on each other to Scrapegoat..Those Fools Macron and Merkle fell into the same ole trap..Take the European Banks one at a time ,one from each country and Shrink them down to size …Start with the Banks where Rothschild send his 5 sons to create this mess..That is a Good starting point…..They need to shrink till they are not to big to Fail..
Trump needs to warn Europe ,he will not be dragged into War because of European Banks ….The price for US protection is the Banks in the Country needing the protection must GO under !They are the problem,they are the solution.
Probably a smart move.
…and thought I had made a serious mistake , but this morning’s action , or lack of it in the miners in spite of better POG , makes me think otherwise .
Yep. Shares have no traction, which of course means that the USD will start drifting higher and the metals will drift lower as the day goes by.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat
If welfare benefits are better in NY than in Alabama, some people will move to NY. If global humanitarian benefits are better in the USA and Europe then they are in Central America and the Middle East, then many people will move or swim, to the USA and Europe. The ship is sinking and odds favor the USA out of most countries should be the strongest lifeboat. But it also will sink if too many outsiders pile in. Note refugees.
Re Gridlock
The Donald will make her look so slow and stupid, via Twitter, that it will be stopped as an unfair fight…..she hasn’t a hope.
nancy pelosi, paragon of american dingbattery has won the democratic nomination for speaker.
You worked in NY? That must have been interesting times. Truckers tend to be the best and most patient drivers. All those cars that just cut in front of them like they can break on a dime has to be a patient driver. I don’t know what was up with there’s guys but that little trick cost them plus a bunch of others and since they talk amongst each other’s probably knew who they were.
They just didn’t know who I was working for at the time. I wound up having to Pass over 700 medications don’t need to get behind and walk amongst the inmates to do it although they had sharp shooters in the towers and inside the officers follow you.
They wouldn’t allow the inmates to get too close to the nurses and there is no hostage bargains. Luckily their beef isn’t with the nurses. It’s insane job and at that time weren’t getting paid that much it was a on call second job. They needed more staff.
Not a pleasant experience for you because of those truckers…glad to hear they got their come-uppance. My only experience with truckers was in NYC, where I worked for a few years…had to walk from the bus terminal three city blocks to 6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas). All along the way the truckers, who were unloading their wares, would chat with me as I walked and let me know they had my back, should the need arise.
Thanks for that info. I guess Bloomberg must have pulled it from their always ready magical hat!
Nice to see the good guys win one today.
Look at that SM soar into the close while the scum is all over the pm’s
These miniscule gains will be gone by tomorrow am
don’t know where Bloomberg got that story about Brexit re writes…..Merkel has said nothing changes and it is widely believed she wrote it…so wishful thinking by Bloomberg.
Anyway population here ready for war over this…..re-writes can be put the same place as the original, where the sun don;t shine.
Their beloved SM is going ape, so we may be allowed a decent close…ie not on its arse…..Tomorrow of course will be another day and no follow thru must occur.
if the scum took gold back to flat before the close. Every one or two dollar move up is met with selling.
Can’t have gold running to the upside when a Fed idiot speaks.
Dollar Dumps, Gold Jumps As Powell Abandons Hawkish “Long Way” From Neutral Stance
Strange things happen in city driving. For instance while helping my daughter picking up her car down town driving back on the freeway not one but two cars cut me off going about 20 miles less than speed limit. These were swerve decisions. My daughter trailing behind me couldn’t believe it and even posted it on FB.
They’ve even built wider lanes so people don’t risk their lives trying to pass these slow drivers.
The weirdest thing that happened was when I was traveling down about 50 miles on 1-5 as was called to work at a jail desperately understaffed that day.
I ran into a bunch of big trucks.
I moved into the fast lane to pass them. I guess they were in a prank mood that day. One pulled out in front of me another behind me trapping me on a convoy of trucks. We drove like that for awhile and I couldn’t see the exits nor would be able to get off to the right.
When they finally moved out of my way I was way past my exit nor knew exactly where I was. Was it ahead or behind me. I used one of those hwy phones to call to get coordinates so to speak before cell phones and told them what happened and asked them to leave a message Im on my way.
Next day on the news in that same road 50 truckers were given tickets. Their pranks backfired.
despite the Powell surprise – we are underperforming the weaker USD move.
for his personal account he’s buying gold eagles and burying them in his back yard … 🙂