Vaccine truth and Internet censorship .
Speaking of censorship , I personally have had two email messages blocked by someone within Apple .
The first was a link to the YouTube video of POTUS SOTU address from early this year . I sent that link via my Apple email account to one friend who does not have TV , but does have Internet . It was blocked as ‘spam’ .
A couple of months later I had an email from the same friend about the power of prayer . I replied “Yes, indeed “. Once again an email addressed to one person was blocked as being spam by someone at Apple . Two words , one addressee is spam ?
No wonder Apple stock is crashing ! And I say that as an Apple devotee since 1984, for over a third of a century all my computer related products have been Apple .
I am now finished with that corrupt corporation . Let them sell their products and services in China , etc., where they are built . I will find and buy American from here on .
Also , it is time for a new Web , maybe similar to Holochain , to step in as a rival means of communication with true freedom of speech , impervious to Deep State , corporate , and government attempts to block it .