is not money management..any FOOL can spend money ! Why dont we teach to think about money management in our schools ? instead of Social adjustment,(How to be a good communist).in other words shut up and sit down little idiot.
If you keep them busy thinking and working they will figure it out ! Give them incentive …make them earn thier money ,then let them manage it…Thats how you start teaching about money management ..How much did you earn this week ?What do you plan on doing with the money ?
Think about how your money can make more money ! saving,? yes,then investing ! 99 % of kids in school havent got a clue ! Earn it must come first,then save it,then invest it ,then spend a little as your reward as you wish.None of it has meaning if they dont earn it .
They will grow up and get into Government so they can spend other peoples money ,never having had to earn any .its meaningless to them.They bankrupt everybody.