It’s worse for them in Venezuela because they’re having a economic collapse unlike SA but can understand why the people of Columbia resent it. It’s not just about humanity of others when it could threaten your own stability.
I was hoping in Trumps speech here would call a national emergency to fund the wall and reform to stop some of the flow of illegals piling in but guessing his lawyers advised him not to yet. Meanwhile calif and NY is offering them a free lunch. I guess the no free lunch only bad apples to the citizens.
Congress could over rule a executive order but would be a majority think 2/3 vote I don’t think they could get because Repubs still have the Senate.
He might be planning a trail of difficulty from the disgusting unsafe financially sbusive actions of the Demos to show cause. Most already think he has cause now.
I wonder if we can get these sanctuary states in breach of fiduciary duty to its taxpayer citizens not to mention dereliction of duty to the rule of law.
Congress if they had any guts at all should call them out start immediate sanctions on these states and investigations.
All they see people as is dollar signs. No quality of living just quantity of money they get like parasites, but don’t live with the effects themselves.
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