and Jorge Ramos condems “Whites” for being “white”.. maybe he should try Making America Great again in South America without “Whites” and see where that gets him. America was Great when it was White according to him ! He may be right about that ! Maybe the browns and blacks should consider what was it that made the difference ?He condemns Trump for trying to make America White again ,(His words) . He may be on to something ! (Do what the Whites do ) if that makes them Great ! Why listen to a Loser ?
China learned the same lesson.They went to Singapore when they were in communist poverty to see what the Great Leader there did to create such wealth ! The wise Chinese leader said “we will do what they did ” and he did and China rose out of Communist Poverty into success. So I say to Jorge Ramos do what the Whites do if you want to get out of Brown Poverty and stop cursing them and calling them Racists for being white and change YOUR POLICES you moron communist….Hypocrite !