Now all of a sudden the left as well as some of the impudent right are having problems with Executive Orders.
Has anyone in the right ever brought up that the left has been trying to bypass the rule of law like impeaching Trump because they lost, their ” insurance policy” or their own againdea vs what’s best for ” our” country including the voters since Trump got elected. It’s been one lie after another and now it’s they don’t see any problem with our unsecured borders. They are so childish, do they think voters are that stupid. Theydont want voter IDs but they make up stories about foreign interference but didn’t have a problem with no ID to vote. If these illegals voted replub you bet they would.
They are so used to presidential puppets they can’t handle not being in control behind the scenes and closed doors selling is out. With foreign influence at that. They are not the boss so they better get used to it. That mother F will be voted for again by the same people.
The wall
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