Maybe! Afganastan would be up to task with poppy plants.
Those drugs get through port of entry on southern border. You can or could go into any pharmacy in Mexico and buy morphine and other opiates.
Then you go back over the border after your day out. Yes they still go over the border illegally with back packs filled with drugs. They don’t care about collateral damage to citizens in either country. Drug addiction is bad there. One reason the jails there are hell holes. Full of addicts who openly do drugs and shoot up. No treatment for them there. They let them get drugs and needles inside. If you refused they could think you were a plant you life could be in danger.
The drug problem alone would be enough to justify calling a national emergency to build the wall. Then turn around and ask the Demos why they don’t they want to stop the traffickers?
They need a second check on mutual ground at the ports of entry for our side of border patrol they should have to pass through.
Mexico side try’s but there’s too many of them. They pull in the vulnerable with no other alternative including the old over there.
I’ve been there a few times with friends like was asked to come free trip and food to check on a sick person. One time on the way back one of my friends who was a Mexican national but here legally forgot his card and realized it at the border. I go him through besides he was driving lol it was easy but a little scary. innthe sdke light I guarantee you their driving right through.
Their eyes are fixed on greed and power they want their cut, to hell with the country.
If Nancy was in Italy in the 40s she may have gone by the way of Mussolini.
Both party’s going down. One useless and pure corrupt the other useless some corrupt.
Ororeef 13:36
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