1. Ass DA in Whitey Bulger witness tampering/false sentencing that killed a few innocents.
2. FBI director 911 cover up
3. U1 yellow cake delivery on behalf of Hillary
4. Main conduit for the soft coup against DJT (still ongoing, gahd, duh, nothing there, just obfuscation)
5.Whitey Bulger offed 3 months ago (maybe he had something to say before he died of old age?), completing the circle…
Don’t get me started on the wounded in Vietnam and signed up again BS. With horseface Kerry and the Mule, they got the tow-the-line MIC train beasts covered.
Say, did you see Trump and Kim are going to hold a summit in Vietnam? How’s that for irony and why the hell did 40k+60k US and a coupla million Korean and VC die for?
Oh yeah, MIC