I think it’s where they come from. They’re being told if they come here and have a baby the gov will take care of them. Their told the the men can work the women can draw welfare because their marriage is not honored here. I don’t know about the browning but the looting of America.
They see us as rich but don’t understand it’s a different level of living bing and with it cost more. I’ve been all over S America and they always think we’re rich less they lived here.
They are at where we were in the 1800s to early 1900s. Where people are expendable.
They used to put orphans into slave labor and disregarded their saftey. Their inhuman mindset was if they died or became disabled from injuries if they survived there were plenty more orphans to replace them. There was no real rule of law. This is why we’re going backward it’s just not a communist ideology it’s a slavery ideology. They can just replace us. Same might be going on in Europe.
We evolved from that but they in S. America Mid East et al haven’t. These things still going on and worse.
Theses politicians havent either and use it to draw in cheap labor, profit from the drug money, and get votes.
It’s them bringing division using race to do it and their falling right in their hands. How far will it go with these demos before there’s no going back.
The poorest and those who grew up on the dole and think money falls from the sky believe it. They really think it’s uneven and think things should be given to them. They want them to be happy in their poverty but no change.
Usually the same ones that are hitting the streets or welfare lines instead of the books. They don’t know our history or it’s selective. There’s many that do know but just taking advantage for the same reasons mentioned. Many of these young people who were out harassing Trump supporters were from project like areas or high crime. Cortez is just a extension of their cluelessness with the same looting mindset.
I remember something someone told me when I was young about some people who didn’t want to work. He said someday they’ll get older look around have nothing then blame the whole world.
It’s not democrats, republicans or even color we have to worry about. It’s our constitution and sovereignty that should be protected. Both sides are failing and the Demos full speed ahead are not even hiding it anymore and their media sounds like a bunch of skizos. Buzzfeed now standing by their misinformation they spread about Trump even though it was debunked. They’re just insane.
No joy in life just a bunch of boring all about themselves hate.
Trump Wall Shutdown….Civil War Is Coming
To understand my comments you might want to watch this video:
@ aufever…no, did not get to observe the eclipse.
@ goldie…it isn’t only the illegals that vote for the communists/democrats, most of the legal non-white people entering the country vote communist/democrat…meaning the greatest problem we have next to illegal immigration is legal immigration of non-white people. The browning of America is destroying us as a nation but few there are who recognize it.
Both parties are at fault but the left much more so.
This is no different than the days of woman’s suffrage or child labor abuse where they disregarded the lives of others called the working class including children and treated them as expendable.
The democrats would have us going backwards to the days women had to leave home to work because they were poor in the days standards to even children will have to work next. Because they’re making us poor.
Letting in dirt poor illegals just complicates it my mixing the middle class up with them. They don’t see American as raised different in a different culture than these poor people they think of as a dime a dozen and expendable and why they don’t care.
They want to create a upper class and lower class, no middle class ” the ones in the middle who see the problems they’re creating” that challenges them. Now want to dumb them down with vaccines, core education, identity confusion, and propaganda. They want us to see themselves as no different than a poor village in some jungle amongst rebels thrives and cartel and call it equality. Globalism.
Meanwhile they send their children to private schools, don’t have to do any physical labor, and have the finest things compliments of the working class.
For that reason they see no danger to the majority of society from things like illegal immigration from unstable, uneducated crime ridden lawless areas of different cultures any different than ours.
For that same reason they will never see loss of jobs, invasions of other countries and overpopulation as a crisis because were all just the lower class to them anyways.
So what’s next, your great grandchildren with be working 5 am to 9 pm serving some rich politician or their family’s or climbing up chimney sweeps to clean them and get black lung disease by 10 if they don’t suffocate especially when they lit a fire under them if they got stuck before then. Totally expendable. See the signs. Pelosi won’t even talk to a mother of a child killed by a illegal.
You’d like to say to them don’t you see what’s going on here! This is not a game!
It’s a means to their end, Your just another poor pauper no different but this time want to make sure you or your children will never rise from the ashes.
One of the reasons I always admired Loretta Lynn as well as others who never became corrupted by them.
A Conservative Voice ,very effective…. Dinesh D’Souza
Amherst https://youtu.be/goKXTXwT_4g
He’s done his research and Democrats are being destroyed ,he lays it all out .He’s on the University circuit and the Liberals are being destroyed by him.
Amherst..Brandeis..American University He exposes all their Tactics .
A Genius ..Highly Intelligent ..Great DEBATER Conservative ..Loves America and Trump
Thank you very much.
Were you able to see the eclipse?
aufever @ 23:36
From the data you provided it appears the Solar Eclipse falls into your 11th house, putting the spotlight on friends, acquaintances, and groups of people. As it opposes your natal Moon, which is posited in your 5th house, the emphasis over the course of the next six months to one year will be on women, children, investments and gambling….but I repeat myself, lol.
On the other hand, if your horoscope reflects intercession by one sign ruling more than one house, then the above would not be correct.
Whatever the case, with the eclipse opposing your natal Moon, you can count on personal relationships with others being tested under this influence (and if the Moon is truly in the 5th house those relationships will be with children and because of polarity, also with friends, acquaintances and groups of people (organizations to which you belong).
Just be aware of your emotions and when they are aroused, apply the mental antidote of Mars….do something physical like working out, planting a tree or some other way to positively discharge the energy. Blessings.
FWIW – I believe the last time the Rams played the Patriots in the Super Bowl was 2001, coincidentally that was when the SM rolled over and gold started its ascent.
Food for thought…
Morning MM3
Yes sir. Another useless holiday to give the Gov’t employees an additional day off while the rest of us are out working.
More war in the Middle East – that’s a good reason for them to hit gold today
There has to be an existential Earth event about to take place for all the military, financial, social unrest occurring.
Whether it be a pole shift, an incoming meteor, Galactic movements, nothing happening on this planet is normal and those that know aren’t going to spook the herd. Schmucks like Netanyahu are pushing the envelope because they know it is now or never.
This whole chemtrail conspiracy is backwards. They aren’t trying to kill us, they are trying to save us from cosmic rays. But TPTB will still screw up their best intentions. Humans trying to tell Mother Nature what’s best….
Israel has no one to blame but themselves for their demise. They are provoking their annihilation from a 3 sided missile bombardment of their own making.
Stupid religion on all sides to blame…
Silver Train
Tunnelling thru Little Gore Canyon
is the California Zephyr
I have seen…
the Dark Side of the Moon !
That a gravol on a black square? Birth control for Blacks?
Maybe the trainman’s next pic of a steamer coming through a tunnel with only left light working?
nice eclipse…
great photo? not so much.
Same as all signs of the last several years, huh.
Oh, well.