Owning bonds means you own someone elses debt ,what if they default ? what do you have ?
Owning Federal Reserves NOTES means you own a Government IOU (DEBT).
A “note” by definition is a evidence of debt .
A Treasury NOTE differs in that it does not enter the system as debt .There is no interest involved.
Not true of a Federal Reserve note,It carry s an interest burden when it enters the system .
Thats why Hamilton dident put us in debt as Treasury Secretary. He instructed Washington to print non interest bearing notes to pay for the War. Lincoln did the SAME…..It was the Traitor and educated idiot Wilson that sold us out to the Rothschilds Federal Reserve System where all debt carries an interest burden payable to the Rothschild Bankers when it enters the system.Even worse they NEVER print any money without interest bearing debt .To pay the interest .Therefore someone has to go bankrupt to pay the interest ..a zero sum debt problem.OR refinancing at ever greater sums to repay previous debt PLUS interest until it collapses from the totol debt.
The way out of this is for STATES to issue currency without interest ,but backed by GOLD .That restores confidence
in the currency giving it intrinsic value .STABLE and without inflation.!
This is how RUSSIA and China will compete to become the reserve currency against the US..
Chart the Chinese currency ,then overlay a Chart of GOLD and its almost identical .!