you are absolutely correct in your observation. Rob Kirby is bold and right to the point. and market ( story of the ESF) is scary!
my point is this: i made no wealth trading the futures market; and i bowed out of the stock market near its bottom (i told my dad to get out of QQQ way back when, it was going to ‘crash’
and lol on me he could have been a billionaire now ; lol!!!) so today i just sit on my wealth and still thank the LORD GOD for all that HE has given to me. WHAT ABOUT YOU??
is your bank account in fiat well padded; is stash of precious sufficient for the future; are you still playing the wall street game; are you a prepper/off the grid; or are you just living
the good life with your social security check and private pension fiat. ????? any investment advice for the rest of us? stay with us and laugh at these ‘exciting times’ we live in.