I have no qualifications to give investment advice, but can only indicate how we have positioned our family portfolio since, incidentally, about the year in your posting handle (1995). Actually mostly since 2012 when we parted with a privately owned home and decided to rent instead and to invest in PM-related holdings. I need not tell you how that has worked out for us over the past 6+ years !
Our present marketable assets are currently apportioned about as follows, in descending order: physical silver stored privately outside of any financial institution, 35 % of assets; physical gold ditto, 27 % of assets; PM-related junior gold and silver equities purchased and listed in our country’s currency, 24 % of assets; dividend-paying Canadian-listed fuel supply company, 8 % of assets; and Canadian-listed PM streaming companies, 6 %.
Note that there are no assets held in any financial institution, no curency-trading holdings, no holdings in any vehicles trading in U.S. dollars, and no real estate holdings of any kind (commercial, private, or real estate investment trusts. And no energy-related assets.
You make your choices and you roll with the tide. The advice I do not give, but which I have followed myself over the past few years, is revealed in the asset allocations listed above, namely – buy physical silver. Cheers. Equiz.
LurkerSince95, you asked some questions in your 15:53 posting.
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