It’s Monday. The trains must go through!
It’s Monday. The trains must go through!
Omnibus year after year is one of the looting of tax payers. Not paying enough attention to what’s most important and many times just wasting tax payers money. Again congress has failed to stop the loopholes for illegals getting in, released then disapear with Demos enabling them fuming less holding beds. They used to regularly return Mexicans but not the rest. Any one seen Cheech and Chong moves know how they made a joke out of that. They’d let themselves get deported to get a free ride back to a wedding. To outlaw sanctuary states which is already unlawful and hold them accountable. They can fast track green cards or visas to people needed. Visa workers need to return.
The rest can go home.
Reminds me of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
I guess the working class too civilized minded to take to the streets while the streets are getting flooded with homeless and too busy working. They should care more of where their money is going and it should be itemized to the public. It’s turning socialist before their eyes.
You’ve made some good points with regard to Kushner and Christie. I think as long as Kushner is a major adviser to POTUS he will continue to make erroneous decisions, such as the travesty omnibus bill he just signed, which was veto-proof thanks to the Uniparty supporting it whole heartedly. Why the deplorables aren’t out in the streets tar and feathering that bunch is beyond my ken.
The carrot on the stick. How many people wanted the illusion of Obama care because they thought they’d save money. They were part of the problem. No one thought to address rising costs that were outright criminal. Were was congresss to stop it? Epipen goes from 7 dollars to 700? Doctor apt slips from 40 dollars to 400 or more dollars. Who do they think was going to pay for it.
I remember one of these brain dead CEOs of manufacturer said well it’s not hurting anyone because the insurance company pays for it. Just stupid. The insurance company then takes it off what’s covered or keeps what they covered the same and you pay the rest out of pocket. Of course they didn’t do anything about making her bring the price back down. That wasn’t a surprise because pharmacy manufacturers are the biggest lobbyists and who gets the money?
Trump is the only one who brought it up.
This is purely coincidence but it ties PERFECTLY with Goldielocks post just before this one as it explains how we got to this deplorable state we find ourselves in. It’s all been preplanned to destroy our freedoms along with our borders and usher in the one world government. Please wake up before it’s too late!!
A lot has changed unless you forgot what Obama and even Bush left behind and where thrings were going. How much money was stolen with Obama care and taken from retirement funds.
How much catering to Iran. How many Islamist were they letting in and planning to let in even more including P Ryan. So many they’re getting elected, getting information they can use against us, trying to change to Sharia next? That wasn’t Trump that was the PEOPLE who allowed it to happen.
How much PC were they throwing at us. How many white men, Christians, Jews were being Marginalized and by who, the ones with their hands out?
That’s not to mention the dozens of things he was able to do including saving jobs.
Of course they don’t want him to succeed and give over their Rein on us and will fight all the way. Besides it’s interfering with their kick backs. They can easily be bribed by putting trinkets in front of them. Just like they did to the American Indians. Just like the American Indians they couldn’t get together and disagreed with each other even fought each outer. Some fought on one side others fought on the others. That will leave us vulnerable as a countey to foreign interest. All the me myself and I’s.
As far as the ones who are supposed to be capable of their jobs they have been met with opposition too and others are just recycled no new blood. They would make it too hard for new blood unless from the left it appears.
You can forget as many now feeling secure again to a point like he’s disposable till he’s gone and it back to business as usual, open borders and chipping away at our constitution.
How many people have contacted their congressman or legislators about these issu w they complain about. Do they even know who they are?
All these shooting, gun free zones, etc.
Reminds me of the 70’s slogan
“When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns”.
Wish there were more believers in the republic and less believers in “democracy”.
Democracy = two foxes and a chicken deciding on evening menu.
Sorry, rant off…
Yes but she does have a point. The bankers, libtards, and deep state are still operating like nothing has changed.
In fact, as time goes on it’s becoming increasingly clear Trump will not be changing anything fundamental prior to the next election, which he may have already lost if the left is able to rig it like the mid-terms.
Why does he keep appointing deep state lackeys to key posts knowing what they will do?
Answer: Because he’s playing ball and hoping the public doesn’t notice.
That said — you can’t blame the guy for not wanting to be JFK’d.
The turn coat.Things don’t go the way she thinks it should go even if it wouldn’t work out her way she turns on Trump.
Never anything about the business as usual so called conservatives letting him down.
Then he’s got his son in law Jared who didn’t want Christy because he prosecuted his father so he had to pick Sessions. If Christy got the job Mueller and cohorts would be gone and their rein of bias corruption would be over and people would be answering questions like Hillary and her dossier.
I can see Ann now having to negotiate with the looting of our money or dealing with N Korea. Don’t think that would work out.
She’s just another talking head wanting to be on the winning side like the left but when it doesn’t go the way it should instead of calling out the people behind it she turns on Trump.
How does she think her rehtoric is going to help America?
The real problem was the complete lack of regulation on the Subprime derivatives and the Feds total ignorance of how deep it was buried in so many parts of the system. Now is no different, it’s merely been moved again, renamed again, and it’s still being ignored, But it’s way bigger now. 2 to 3 times the size and new features have been added, like auto debt, college debt and retirement underfunding. In other words. This time IS Different. The next real adjustment, the one they can’t stop with QE4-7 is a planet killer.
He is right that the Fed has boxed itself in, but that started when Ben Bernanke decided to save the system and provide trillions in excess liquidity. His hope was to restore
lending, which didn’t happen right away and led to a substantial increase in the fed’s balance sheet. Now the fed is stuck with it. They’re boxed into it. If they sell it off it will create erratic volatility. If they raise rates to try and normalize those they’ll have the same result. It’s not a bull trap, it’s a fed trap.
Here’s my prediction, and just for the record I called the subprime tank in Dec 2006, what is obvious is the debt wont heal itself. Bernanke was wrong to save the banks, just as Greenspan was wrong to save the markets. Both actions led to a much greater problem and it’s the same problem we started with. Keynesian theory is wrong. If you try to control a massive system you will eventually lose control of it.
The only thing at this point the fed serves is as a firefighter. It may last for awhile longer, until someone or something calls out the obvious, like the blog that led to the 2008 panic. People suggest it was Lehman Bros that got everyone’s attention, but it wasn’t the trigger. The trigger was something big,BUT MUCH SMALLER that started the domino effect.
The only example in history that we have to draw an outcome from that is anything like relative to this mess is the collapse of Rome. Some people are reserving cash, some gold and silver, but the survivors of this one. will need to have invested in a bow and arrow and an axe. Good hunting!
“these articles are meant to depress you into inaction”
The more I read ZeroHedge the more I dislike it because they post a lot of these type of articles and if you have followed their negative articles and invested along those lines for the past 10 years you’d be broke. Cramer has been far better than ZH.
I don’t think this commenters statement helps to prove his point though…
“There are some really rich people around the world, some of whom are interested in politics. Always have been, and always will be. Nothing really new there. Income inequality was far greater in the Roman Empire than it is today.”
While income inequality is part of the problem, it’s what they’ve done with their wealth to destroy the country. So odd that these .05% folks are all libtards with only a few exceptions.
I don’t think we want to be the Roman Empire – they collapsed which appears to be the same path we’re on.