if it doesnt react off this area below 2820 things will get awfully bad for the bears …of course they are all cluttering up cyberspace with their inane blatherings since they missed it all…thats all they have to do with thieir time now…;”blah blah blah
shorts getting vivisected big time ………..some have turned into no position papertading loser market commentators……geeziz eh
buffett on cnbc…..sez the market is going higher but he wont buy a sharply rising market….nose bleeds and fear of heights….snort
bears are adding to their shorts …….lolol feed me baby…..yeehaaaaw farton bigz…..and his sychopants
2818 area may get hit before any reaction into WWW……otherwise the end result …higher prices are coming after these periodic interruptions…
timer digest top ten finally getting the msg now up to 5 bulls…….lol