testifying in the House of Corruption today
Probably not going anywhere in the metals until either later today or tomorrow
This is my Gartman moment.
Some correlation and they want it to go down. Will it pull gold down with it?
Otherwise they never would have signed up for the Zionist agenda.
Since the recruits now were not even born on Sept 11th 2001 they are now being lectured on the event. Like to be a fly on the wall for that lecture.
Each to their own!
They should at least send you a gratuity.
Simon says kiss your gold coins.
I’d havta say our niche got a lot more interesting in the past couple of months!
In honor of Wanka I should say
It’s a miracle from above! 🙂
Why The Barrick Deal Could Mean The Mega-Melt-Up Is Here For Gold
Sure glad they didn’t find it in Miller Lite 🙂
I’m looking for an up day tomorrow or Thursday to make up for the lack of movement compared to the dollar. Either that or the dollar will go up a bit and gold will follow.
I had a premonition
Herbicide used in weed killer Roundup is detected in several leading beer and wine brands including Coors Light, Budweiser and Beringer
Better than Gartman tho…
That shot of Jeff Bridges in the Big Lebowski, has to be from one of my all time favourite movies, …..gonna watch Raising Arizona tomorrow night, with a group of mates who have never seen it !!!!!!
Weaker USD is giving us a chance to go higher, we need to capitalize…
Thanks for yet another great rail shot.
The only non-50’s ‘give away’ for me was the red stop sign.
I remember yellow ones as a youngster.
Thank you.
“Chinese scientists have revealed plans to build and launch in orbit a space solar station that could capture the Sun’s rays 24/7, Chinese media report.”
Is nearly free power a possibility?
Enough already! Let my people go!
I wonder if the speculators that are actually leaving the casino are being replaced by the banksters. I don’t think it’s a stretch to think that the banks thru related hedge funds could be playing both sides of the market – not just the short side.
FWIW – silver suppression seems just as important if not more than gold suppression. I don’t know if that’s because of the many industrial uses or if it’s actually about monetary value.
Hopefully we can find some dip buyers today. Silver has erased earlier losses and is now flat.
Nothing else.
You are exactly right about the merger. That’s the motivation because they need a continual build in derivatives open interest in order to maintain the rig.
They are losing now however because the speculators are finally exhausted and leaving the casinos at an alarming rate.
Again, this is why ABX (bankers) are rolling out this deal right now.
Let’s hope gold can breakout and thwart their efforts.
This could lead to an explosive move.